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Urgent Message
Urgent Message
Are you interested in joining one of our Parish committees?
Please contact the Parish Office.
Are you interested in joining one of our Parish committees?
Please contact the Parish Office.

Questions about Confirmation at SPP?
For more information, please contact Dan Apadula.
What is a Confirmation Sponsor?
When you were Baptized, you had your Godparents speak for you as the Baptismal promises were made. As someone getting Confirmed, you will be able to make those promises for yourself. But, we do not walk on this journey by ourselves. Like the travelers to Emmaus (Luke 24:13), we walk together with people, who also believe in and have experienced the Lord Jesus in their lives, to support us in our own ongoing faith development. This is the role of your Sponsor - someone to walk with you on your faith journey, not only in the next few months, but all through your life. As such, although it is an honor for someone to be selected as a Sponsor, it is not merely and ‘honorary’ role, but one that it considered very serious and vitally important in assisting and supporting the Confirmed in the ongoing growth in our Catholic Faith.
Who Can You Choose As Your Sponsor?
They must be practicing Catholics.
They must be Confirmed and at least 16 years of age.
They must lead a life in harmony with the Church; believe in the faith of the Catholic Church, and truly make a serious effort to live a good and moral life.
Generally, they cannot be your parents or your legal guardians.
They are someone you feel comfortable talking with about your faith and God.
Obtaining a Letter of Good Standing
OR Sponsor Certificate
If the Sponsor is a Parishioner of Saints Peter and Paul, they must fill out the sponsor request form on the Parish website, linked here and submit to the parish office.
If the Sponsor is NOT a parishioner of Saints Peter and Paul, they must reach out to their home parish where they are CURRENTLY practicing their faith and request a Letter of Good Standing OR a Sponsor Certificate. This letter/certificate must contain the Pastor’s signature and the parish’s official seal. Photocopies will NOT be accepted. The original may be mailed directly to the Parish office at Saints Peter and Paul. All Catholic Parishes are familiar with this process and will understand what is being asked of them.
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