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Wedding Checklist

for Parishioners

In order to guide you through the Marriage process at Saints Peter & Paul, we have explained our Wedding Checklist below.

Please note: All appointments are made through: gina.andreano@


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Be registered, active, supporting parishioners of Ss Peter & Paul for at least three months. If you are not already receiving Parish Collection Envelopes or contributing through either of our electronic/online Giving platforms (FaithDirect or Zelle), you MUST sign up for one of these contribution methods and begin to show financial support of the Parish. Contact the Parish Office on how to do so –

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IMMEDIATELY begin to collect and submit currently dated copies of your Sacramental records (Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation). These must be obtained from the Parishes in which your sacraments were completed.

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Attend initial meeting with Father Michael to discuss process and date. Bring your Sacramental records to this meeting.

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Submit your $1,700 payment to secure your wedding (check made out to Ss Peter and Paul, handed to or mailed to Gina Andreano at 408 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ).  Dates can only be scheduled/confirmed after check is received.

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$750 for documentation process for marriages outside Ss Peter and Paul ($1000 for weddings outside the continental US).

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$500 for documentation process for RCIA Candidates for a Convalidation Ceremony. (to take place during a Saturday 5 PM evening Mass)

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Schedule your FOCCUS Test and Rehearsal with Gina Andreano. Submit copies of your current, valid gov’t issued photo ID (Passport and D.L are most common).

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Attend Pre-Cana and submit certificate (mailed to Gina Andreano) at 408 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ).

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Attend God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage and submit copy (mailed to Gina Andreano at 408 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ).  **Note, this is required by the Archdiocese of Newark.

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Meeting to review FOCCUS Inventory results with Father Michael (Gina Andreano will contact you to set-up once results have been returned from the Archdiocese of Newark).

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Please note, at any time during the above process, Msgr. Michael A. Andreano, may request additional meetings with you should he feel it necessary.

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Meet with Brian Walters, Music Director, to discuss the Music and Liturgy.

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Rehearsal! (Normally the evening prior to your Wedding Day – 5 PM).

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Wedding Day!

The Catholic Community of Saints Peter & Paul is a spiritual home for families in Hoboken and beyond. We make disciples of Jesus Christ through prayerful and reverent liturgies, a welcoming community, engaging formation, effective ministries and responsible stewardship.


Ss Peter & Paul

404 Hudson Street
Hoboken, NJ07030






Monday  thru Friday : 10 AM - 4 PM

Saturday Sunday: Closed 


Monday thru Friday: 11 :30 AM - 1:30 PM

Saturday: 3:30 PM - 6 PM

Sunday: 8 AM - 1 PM


Copyright © 2024 Saints Peter and Paul, All rights reserved.

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