Urgent Message
Urgent Message
Are you interested in joining one of our Parish committees?
Please contact the Parish Office.
Are you interested in joining one of our Parish committees?
Please contact the Parish Office.

Parish Giving
Introducing Parish Giving.
Ss. Peter & Paul will be transitioning our online giving processing to Parish Giving starting this Fall. This change is being implemented to streamline our administrative processes and reduce costs. We kindly ask all parishioners who currently donate online, as well as those who wish to begin electronic contributions, to enroll in Parish Giving.
(As of January 1, 2025, we will no longer be using Faith Direct to process donations.)

How it Works​
To get started, simply click on the Parish Giving logo to register or log in.
Here you can set up recurring contributions, or choose to make a one-time or an unplanned gift.
Once you enroll in Parish Giving, if you have an existing Faith Direct account, please be sure to discontinue it.
Please note: Those who donate via envelopes will be unaffected by this change and can continue their donations as normal.
Simplicity Go to our parish website and click on the Parish Giving logo to register or log in. In addition to recurring contributions, donations can be made as a one-time or an unplanned gift.
Security Security is our top priority - sensitive account information is not stored and is never shared with a third party.
Convenience Online giving provides the account holder the ability to have Sunday be about our faith. If sickness, travel or weather prevents attendance, your contributions will continue uninterrupted from your bank account or credit/debit card.
Parish Benefits Our parish anticipates overall improved stewardship while simultaneously refining our administrative processes. In addition to regular online giving, contributions of any amount can be made at any time through any means.
Easy Record Keeping 24/7 account access to view and print your online giving contributions.
If you have any questions, please contact Danny.Rosado@spphoboken.com
Thank you all for your cooperation as we make this transition!