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How to Help

Support Our Parish!

Dear Parishioners, Benefactors, Supporters, and Friends of Sts. Peter & Paul Parish:


I am writing to ask your support for an Archdiocese-wide initiative that Cardinal Tobin has launched to support our parish community, outreach to those in need, and parishes in response to the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on everyday life. 


We are partnering with the team at GoFundMe, a leading online giving organization, to provide one online platform for the faithful to support outreach to those most in need as well as cover the critical needs of their own and other parish communities during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This is a coordinated and unified effort.  The first place people often go in time of need is the local parish. Under the current conditions brought on by the Coronavirus ( COVID-19) pandemic, parishes are limited in the services they can offer to the faithful.


Cardinal Tobin has temporarily waived the usual archdiocesan assessment in support of this initiative.

Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to our parish. Visit our parish GoFundMe page: Ss Peter and Paul Go FundMe

The funding flow for this initiative offers both simplicity and transparency for our parish community and others who choose to contribute:

  • All money raised through individual parish GoFundMe pages will flow into a central archdiocesan fund, and the Parish Business Services team will aim to release all funds to parishes in the amount raised for the parish within the week

  • Pastors, parishioners, and the public can track how much each parish has raised in total on their individual parish GoFundMe pages

  • All money raised through the Parishes in Need fund will be distributed to conduct outreach to those in need and to those parish communities unable to meet their critical needs alone

  • Contributions are tax-deductible, and contributors will receive tax receipts automatically


This initiative and GoFundMe platform is introduced as an additional means by which financial support to the Parish can continue, during this time when the public celebration of Masses is suspended.  You can also continue to give through your typical methods, if convenient:

  • Those who are currently using envelopes or cash/check contributions may continue your support by sending your envelopes/checks through the mail (404 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030) or by holding them for the Collection basket upon your return. For added convenience, if you are making visits to the Church for private prayer, you may also place your regular envelopes and contributions in one of the Candle or Poor Boxes located throughout the Church.  

  • For those who give through our existing online giving platform, you may continue to do so: Simply go to and enter our Parish Code: NJ627  If you are not currently enrolled in Faith Direct, this is the time to prayerfully consider doing so.  It provides the most convenient way to continue your regular, generous support to the Parish.

  • Please also remember the Annual Appeal among your options for contributing. The needs of some people within our Parish and beyond continue, even more so during such difficult times. The Annual Appeal helps many in need.


Our parish will once again continue to Live Stream the celebration of Mass at 10:30 AM via our Facebook page. You may access the livestream by clicking here.. You can also submit a Special Intention to be read allowed during the live stream of our Mass. Click here to submit an intention for Sunday's Mass.


On Wednesday, March 25, at 7pm - which is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord - we will begin the first Parish praying of a Family Rosary, live-streamed from the Church for your participation from home. Please plan to join us!  It is our intention to continue live-streaming a Wednesday evening Rosary each Week, for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic.


Thank you for generosity to our parish and to those parish communities unable to meet their critical needs alone.


For a message from Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, C.Ss.R., the Parishes in Need fund, and more on how this initiative will support the critical needs of our parish communities, please visit:


For more information on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the Archdiocese of Newark’s response, please visit:


We all have been thrust into living in a time of unprecedented happenings.  Along with its many challenges, it is also an opportunity to embrace unprecedented acts of prayer for each other, charity and practical help for others, where safe and possible; and a reminder of our reliance upon God and the things beyond this World.  And, so, let us pray that the Healing Presence of Jesus be accepted and experienced by those suffering from the coronavirus, and the Comforting Presence of Jesus be experienced by the Family members and Friends of those who have died during this crisis.


If there is anything you need with which you feel we can be of assistance, please let us know.  Until we see each other - physically - again, keep safe and healthy.


Prayerfully yours in Christ, 


Monsignor Andreano


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